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Illinois 2023: Home Sweet Home

As I'm writing this post there are piles of boxes all around my house. Why? Because we're moving to Springfield, Illinois in a very short period of time! In fact, it is possible that by the time you read this that we'll already be there. The 'we' is Pharaoh Peanut Butter Meow Meow Kitty von Trapp, Princess Sheba Grace, Sean and I. Aztec my goofy yet demanding paint horse will be coming, but he'll be living at a barn nearby not in the house. I'm super excited because this is the first home that I've bought and I'm really into the Springfield area and everything and everyone that it has to offer!

Here I go de-railing my own conversation... The purpose of this post is actually to share what I have coming up in Illinois on this grandiose 50 State Bonanza! plan that I have. In short, A LOT!!!

I currently facilitate a lot of different classes, some of my own creation, some learned through various spiritual modalities, and many from Access Consciousness™. The purpose of the 50 state journey is actually to share the tools of Access Consciousness™ so I'll start with those.

First up the weekend of Earth Day! These classes will be held at our new home as a welcome to the neighborhood and bringing into it the good energy that an Access Consciousness class naturally brings! Here's what that weekend looks like:

4/22 2 Body Process Class: Restoration of Communion with Earth and Elimination & Eradication of the Microbiotic Desertification of Dermis & the Actualization of the Microbiotic Generative Dermis for Body and Earth ***These both also happen to be great for the planet!

I won't get into specifics beyond this since it is probable that I'll have an Access Bars™ or Energetic Facelift™, Body Process, or Foundation almost always on the calendar within the next 1-2 months. Sometimes I co-facilitate Access Bars™ with my enjoyable other Sean, but more often these creations will be with me as the facilitator.

I also will be bringing into the Springfield, Illinois community other specialty facilitators that also create their businesses with Access Consciousness™ on topics related to bringing more consciousness to subjects such as money, bodies, animal communication, entity awareness, recovery, and there are so many more that I'll stop the list for now. Hosting others can be so much faun as it bring in new energies and interesting material to ponder and use to create the life you've always wanted.

If you'd like to see which classes that I have coming up head on over to the events. I'm also available for facilitation, coaching, body process, and energy work sessions. Would that be a contribution to you? Reach out.

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