Through my exploration of awareness I've taken many classes through Access Consciousness in the process of becoming a certified facilitator (CF) and beyond.
These include exploring the specialties Right Body for You, X-men, Talk to the Animals, ESSE, Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider, Joy of Business and many telecalls with Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas. I've also gone deep into multiple 7 day intensives including Whispers of the Universe and Whirligigs of Possibilities.
I offer many possibilities for YOU to explore consciousness through the tools of Access Consciousness.
Which of these would be a contribution to you?
Access Consciousness®
Workshop Pricing
Access Consciousness® sets the prices for most of the classes that they license - there are not sales or discounts for these classes unless it is across the entire global company. Please see the Access Consciousness website or the event page for the most up to date pricing or below, and note that pricing is subject to increase at any point unless you are fully paid. If you are interested in the accepted forms of payment, please go here.

Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing.®