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Image by Sage Friedman


What would you like to create in your life?


Welcome to a place where we don't believe in limits and instead put consciousness and spiritual technology to work in order to help you create the life you desire and that you know is possible. â€‹What is possible that you didn't even think could be created in your world?




An Invitation to Engage

I am excited to invite you to join me on a journey toward greater consciousness. Would you like to come along?


​I comes to this work from the belief that we all can make the choice to take our wellness into our own hands, a choice I personally made in the aftermath of 9/11 and in healing that trauma. 


​I am a Certified Facilitator (CF) with Access Consciousness and facilitate the following classes: Foundation, Access Bars™, Energetic Facelift™, & Body Processes. I offer sessions in Bars, Energetic Facelift, Body Processes, Symphony of Possibilities (SOP), Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE), Abuse Hold, & 1-on-1 as well as group facilitation.​


My healing path has included working with a vast number of modalities including the spiritual technologies made available through wisdom passed down through indigenous traditions of the Americas. This includes the power of the medicine song, plant spirit dieta, limpia, cleanses, breathwork, and immune supportive and regenerative physical therapies.   


An avid yogi, I have studied Iyengar inspired Hatha Yoga at Karuna Yoga in Northampton, MA with Eileen Muir receiving my YT200 in 2013.  I have a deep love for the power of the restorative Asana, Pranayama, Yoga for Equestrians, Equine Yoga, and Dhyana (meditation.) 


I am certified as an Equine Om (EOC) instructor to teach one-one-one sessions and group based horse yoga experiences.​I work extensively with facilitating clients to live the life that they choose from C-level executives to individuals that find me because they are looking for something different.  


Herbal and Folk Medicine: I handcrafted, and wildcraft a variety of plant medicines for your wellness needs that I has grown, formulated, and/or foraged.  Current products in my alternative medicine apothecary include 100% Organic and GMO free, full spectrum CBD hemp oil, flower essences, various salves & tinctures. These items can be very beneficial to supporting the body and mind as it engages in the process of change and are only available by direct request.  â€‹ 


I provide workshops, classes, trainings and programs on mindfulness, horses, and consciousness with clients across the United States as well as globally. 


My main target this year is to become a 3 Day Body class facilitator and to facilitate classes and workshops in consciousness in all 50 states . 


I provide energetic bodywork therapies to people, their animal companions, and the Earth.  Is it like Reiki?  No, but that's about as close as anything you might otherwise be aware of so you can think of it that way if it helps.


When taking a break from global trotting and being joyously nomadic I find my home in Cleveland, Ohio where I'm re-wilding a suburban home into a permaculture inspired food forest and soon to be Springfield, Illinois  with my enjoyable other Sean, my furbabies Grace (rescue kitten) & Peanut Butter (formerly feral kitten) and bay tobiano Paint horse Aztec. 


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You might work well with me if:

  • you are seeking help to eradicate what is holding you back

  • you have been digging deep into change and need a little support processing and integrating

  • you need someone who can hold space for your growth without judgement

  • you are ready to go beyond what everyone else thinks is possible and you want a wingman

  • you have conversations with plants and animals when no one is looking

  • you want to press the reset button on life and choose differently

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